
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Your Anger

You spew fire from your mouth and you expect me to jump
I do

Your words sting like a whip with each crushing blow
I fall

Your look set my face on fire and blinds me from the world
I scream

Your blows break my back and tear my heart in two
I cry

Your comfort means less and less as I lay upon the floor
I bleed


  1. That is amazing. I love how deep this is and how it's so dark.

  2. Ive never heard anything like that before i'm the type to read love and happy poems but this one was pretty good.

  3. This poem describes how someone else's anger just tears and tears at you till there is nothing left to tear but your very being. They will bend you and bend you until you break, but there is nothing you can do.

  4. Damn the irony in all of this. This poem is so truthful by what it means about from one person pain and weakness can bring brought upon by another individual that you have strong emotions towards but yet everything they do to try to hurt you or break you you still accept them for who they are and while you are building your self back up from all the pain you been through.

  5. In my opinion this poem exerts how powerful your words as an individual can be towards others. This poem includes the 5 scenes and sets them in a violent situation.

  6. re minds me of my moms ex bf the guy i thought was my dad it was well lined and writen
