
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Resources Galore

I found this site looking for SAT resources and came across many items that I thought I would share with the rest of you.  It was free for me to join and if you have any trouble finding the resources feel free to come and ask.  It has videos and templates, many blank organizers and covers all subjects.  Let me know what you think!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Heart of a Child

Do not let me out grow my heart,
allowed by my cynical mind.

Swallowed whole by the world at large,
dreams a saviors soul,

Twilight gleams and glory fades
in the shadow of the night

Do not let my light go out
let me stay and fight

For dreams are all we carry
and we sleep to find them there

do not take my child's heart
and leave me with despair.