
Thursday, December 11, 2014


I wrote an effigy to the world,
It had words like whore and rape in it,
Love and death, a little profound

Did you read it? See it? Be it?

Naw, probably not, it was for the world

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Anchors Away

Anchors Away

My love is like an anchor on the ocean floor,

Seems the ship has left me, never to adore

deep and dark within the depth, rusted to the core.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

English 4 independent Studies

If you are an independent study student in English 4 you will need to complete the following in order to obtain the credit.  You can go to the class website (a link is below this paragraph) and download the components or you may come to to to have them printed.  You should turn in one component at a time before you start work on the next.  If you have any questions my contact information is below.

Independent Studies English 4

You will need to complete the poetry packet that I provide for you.  There are 8 portrait poems that need to be completed.  You will also need to write one nursery rhyme and one love poem as well.  You will then take the same packet and rewrite them using personifications, similes and metaphors and become a part of nature to do so. This means to pick something from nature that you most associate with and them pretend that is what you are and give voice to the object through your poems.

A 20 poem project will be included.  It is to be done as well. Notes have been provided for all terminology.  Use Poem questions with this assignment for each poem you research. Note: This is research that must be completed to pass.

Complete the figurative language worksheet.
Complete the creative writing definitions.
Complete 20 Today’s Poem throughout the semester.
Complete a character, plot, setting worksheet .

Write a short story.  It must be 5 pages long and needs to have a moral ending.  Meaning that it needs to focus on the difference between right and wrong.  If you need examples please let me know.  This must include your character analysis and your plot analysis and scene study.

5 Storybird will need to be done online.  Remember to create an account before you start so that you can save your work and publish.  Each story will need to be a minimum of 10 pages not including the Title page and will be posted to the English is Everything blog at  or use  the code RQ2V8 to access me on Storybird.

Good luck and remember if you need help then simply ask.  You can come by and see me in class or email me at

English 4 Projects

Dear English 4, 
      I am happy to see that you are all working on your final projects.  This will be the last one of the year and I am really looking forward to seeing them all.  I am providing a check list for you so that you have everything you need.  If you have any questions please feel free to let me know. 


1. Each student will choose a British Literature author to study.  You will need to find biographical information for you report.  You will need at least two sources.  You may have more than two sources but one need to be a primary source.
2. You will need to read and review a piece of work written by your chosen author.  Please use the Book Review/Report template during your reading.  
3.  Write at least a 4 page paper about your author and their work.  You will need to follow the set standard; full justification, 12 point font, double spaced.  Please submit your paper via Google Drive.
4. Prepare a presentation for the class.  Be prepared to teach what you have learned and check for understanding so that you know everyone understands.  You may use any tools you need for your presentation including the projection and white board.  If you need assistance please see me.
5. You will need to create one piece of art.  Your art must reflect and be inspired by your author or their work.  You will only be able to use glue and paper to create your art.  You may use any type of glue and any type of paper product to complete your work.  Your art should be no bigger or smaller than about shoe box size.  do your best to be creative and to think outside of the box.  If you need suggestions please come and see me.  
6. Good luck... I know you will all do a great job!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Masterpiece

Life is like a painting,
We can examine it completely,
Every perfection, every flaw.
It is only when we take a few steps back,
That we realize what a Masterpiece,
Our life has become....