
Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Standing on the corner in the rain
weeping and wanting
something must change
and change soon

Do not make me scorn you
Do not make my wrath take you down
Do not make me regret ever meeting you
Do not make me walk away forever and not return

Standing on the corner in the sun
crying and fearful
something has changed
it always changes

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Your Anger

You spew fire from your mouth and you expect me to jump
I do

Your words sting like a whip with each crushing blow
I fall

Your look set my face on fire and blinds me from the world
I scream

Your blows break my back and tear my heart in two
I cry

Your comfort means less and less as I lay upon the floor
I bleed

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


the breath of the wind blows across my face and kisses my cheek softly before the rain comes
it reminds me love both lost and found within the same time yet ever fleeting away from me

shall the night leave and never return is there anything that can really be done?
shall the sun rise will the face of the moon remain in my heart forever?

may the night last forever and the wind softly blow and the rain cleanse the air
and if by chance you should go then never forsake my memory of the night

Friday, November 2, 2012

National Novel Writing Month

National Novel Writing Month
November 1st through 30th

Everyone in English will need to participate in National Novel Writing Month.  Each student will receive a grade based on word count, content, length, originality  form and mechanics.  Each novel will also need a character analysis, a setting analysis and a plot analysis included for a total grade. Each student will need to sign up following the link below and turn in their user name in order to start the process.  If you have any questions please see me immediately for further information and instruction.