
Monday, May 7, 2012

My Friend

I didn't know until I found you what I was really missing,
the warmth of your smile, the jig in your walk,
that funny little laugh and the way you talk,
it all makes sense somehow that it was meant to be,
seems it means a friend for you as well as it does for me,
I would miss you should you go and grieve a fond farewell,
until that happens I will always hold you dear,
and when your a million miles away, or have no phone to talk,
I will think of all the laughs we've had and all of our little talks,
and welcome you back with a great big hug,
and simply hold you in my arms,
and knowing what I have always missed,
for as long as I've been around,
I have found I have grieved and grieved
until you were finally found


  1. My Friend.
    I feel the same way you feel about your friends Miss Hatfield. I really miss them. I have made lots more here at SASIC and I love them all the same, but just the memories and times we shared are priceless. I miss those days when I knew nothing about life.

  2. - The house of the unwanted- Poem 2
    You laughed
    You cared
    You loved
    and now your gone,
    Where did the time go,
    You danced
    You sang
    You smiled
    But now only your shadow remains,
    What happened to living forever?
    You cried
    You sighed
    You lied
    And now I can't protect you
    When did you start living only for yourself?
    You felt
    But that wasn't enough and now your gone leaving me alone,
    So alone that I ask myself when did I become so cold.
