
Monday, July 2, 2012


As my body rejects
time, space, time, space,
means nothing

As my heart crushes
waste, time, waste, time,
means everything

As my mind deadens
time, place, time, and place
continue on without me

1 comment:

  1. sometimes life is good, sometimes not so much
    and then sometimes, we just need a crutch

    life can be hard, life can cause pain
    and sometimes life, can drive you insane

    we suck it up, and struggle through the day
    but it eats us up anyway

    death is a part of life, pain as well
    but it still hurts, and tears will swell

    try to get through it, I know it hurts now
    but it will get better, if time you allow

    well I guess that's it, nothing more to say
    I guess this is goodbye, and have a nice day
